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Cathedral of Cefalù

Step into the awe-inspiring world of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Cefalù, a true gem of UNESCO World Heritage. Built in 1130 by the legendary King Roger II, it’s a Romanesque masterpiece that will take your breath away. Legend has it that the king pledged to erect this incredible cathedral after being saved from a raging storm that threw him onto the beach of Cefalù.

The Cathedral’s towering fortress-like appearance dominates the skyline of the medieval town, making it one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world. You’ll be struck by its exquisite Norman style, a stunning example of the magnificent architecture of the period.

The interior of the cathedral is no less impressive, featuring three naves marked by majestic marble columns adorned with seven arches. The ceiling of the nave is made of intricately painted wood, showcasing an exceptional example of Islamic art in Sicily. The apse, the cross, and adjacent walls are decorated with mesmerizing mosaics, highlighting a glorious Cristo Pantocratore.

In this unique blend of Romanesque, Islamic, and Byzantine styles, the Cathedral is a true symbol of the passage of different cultures through Cefalù. A perfect fusion of different styles, this masterpiece is a testament to the town’s rich heritage and history. Don’t miss the chance to experience its soaring architecture and marvel at the beauty of one of the world’s most sublime representations of art and craftsmanship.

